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Business papers for Monday 13 November 2023
Order Paper
Today's business in the Chamber.
Votes and Proceedings
A formal record of proceedings in the Chamber on Monday 13 November 2023
Questions for Oral and Written Answer
All PQs that have been tabled for answer by the Government
Questions Tabled
All questions tabled on Friday 10 November for written and oral answer
Monday 13 November 2023
Notices of Questions
Future Day Orals
Questions submitted by Members for oral answer in the Chamber on a future day
Monday 13 November 2023
Oral Questions
Other business
Links to other UK Parliament services that provide information on specific types of business.
Votes in Parliament
Find vote (or division) results from the House of Commons
Parliamentary Bills
Keep up to date with the progress of current and draft Bills before Parliament
Statutory Instruments
Find Statutory Instruments by title, paper number, and other criteria
Find treaties by title, command paper number, and other criteria
Deposited papers
Find deposited papers that have been deposited in the House of Commons
The official report of all parliamentary debates
Parliament TV
Live and archived coverage of all proceedings taking place in public
Early Day Motions
Find Early Day Motions by date and name of Member